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Competing a Thesis related to Mental Health? Here are the Latest Aus Statistics


If you are completing a thesis related to the mental health of Australians, then in your Introduction you may want to report some of the latest statistics on mental health, to support why your research is important.

Thankfully the Australian Bureau of Statistics has recently - in July 2022 - released the results of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Study 2020-2021. The last survey hadn't been completed since 2008!

Key statistics

  • Over two in five Australians aged 16-85 years (43.7% or 8.6 million people) had experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life.

  • One in five Australians (21.4% or 4.2 million people) had a 12-month mental disorder.

  • Anxiety was the most common group of 12-month mental disorders (16.8% or 3.3 million people).

  • Almost two in five people (39.6%) aged 16-24 years had a 12-month mental disorder.

Remember - studying to be a psychologist, or even being one does not make you immune from struggling with your mental health. Honours year can be a tough year. Learn more about how to reach out for help in Australia here.


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